The Life Cycle of Socks

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A new fish-patterned sock laying next to an old fish sock with a hole in the toe - The Life Cycle of Socks

It's easy to know when milk goes bad or when soap needs replacing. But how do you know when it's time for new socks? Follow us through the different phases in the life of socks. We'll help you come to a conclusion.

Phase 1: The socks have just been purchased.

Like welcoming home a newborn baby, the socks have been taken in and given a loving home—on your feet. The colors are vibrant; the yarn is soft; the fit is just right. The unworn socks are brand-spanking new and you are eager to show them off.

Folded new socks with a fish pattern

Phase 2: The socks are being worn and are in their prime.

You are wearing the socks regularly, and they have reached their full potential. They've taken several steps around this World, and they have been through the wash a time or two. They are your go-to socks and are feeling comfortable, if not natural.

Fairly new fish socks laying flat

Phase 3: The socks have been worn a lot and are nearing retirement.

The socks are now veteran players on the team. They've seen it all—cold feet, washing machines, sweaty feet, washing machines, shoes, washing machines, carpet, washing machines, and more washing machines. They are starting to blend in with the rest of the sock drawer with their less-vibrant colors, snags, and stretched cuffs.

Worn fish socks laying wavy

Phase 4: The socks are worn out.

At this point, the socks have seen better days. They're pilling, looking saggy, and getting thin. You can almost feel the ground you walk on. And despite what your heart says, you even start to consider replacing them.

Crumpled worn-out fish socks with a small hole in the toe

Phase 5: The socks have kicked the bucket.

The socks have been kickin' it for a long time, but the bucket is the end of the line. They have served you well, but they have reached their expiration date. The holes and the dirt that they now show are proof of a rewarding life, and it's time to say goodbye.

Dirty and crumpled fish socks with a large hole in the toe

So How Long do Socks Last?

The lifespan of socks varies. Good, quality socks will last about a year depending on wear and if they are taken care of. If you're currently experiencing phases 4 or 5, it's time for new socks. Wearing your old threads doesn't look as good as it used to. And, you're running the risk of weird stares, blisters, and discomfort. But there's good news. You can find yourself a new pair of favorite socks, and experience the joy of showing them off once more.

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